viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Vocabulary No. 2

1. Reproduce: To form offspring similar to the parents.

2. Development: Is all the changes that occur as a living thing grows.

3. Consumer: Are living things that eat, or consume, other living things.

4. Producer: Are living things that make, or produce, their own food.

5. Cellular Reproduction: is the process by which food is broken down and energy is released.

6. Cell: Is the basic unit of all living things.

7. Adaption: A trait that makes a living thing better able to survive.

8. Cell membrane: Gives the cell shape and hold the cytoplasm.

9. Nucleus: Is the cell part that controls most of the cells activities.

10. Nuclear membrane: Is a structure that surrounds the nucleus and separates it from the rest of cell.

11. Nucleolus: Is the cell part that helps make ribosome.

12. Chromosomes: Are cell parts with information that determines what traits a living thing will have.

13. Cytoplasm: The clear, jellylike material between the cell membrane and the nucleus that makes up most of the cell.

14. Ribosome: are cell parts where proteins are made.

15. Mithochondrian: Are cell parts that produce energy from food that has been digested.

16. Vacuole: Is a liquid-filled space that stores food, water, and minerals.

17. Centrioles: Are cell parts that help with cell reproduction.

18. Chloroplast: Are cell parts that contain the green pigment, chlorophill.

19. Cell wall: Is a thick outer covering otside is the cell membrane.

20. Diffusion: The movement of a substance from where there is a large amount of it to where there is a small amount of it.

21. Osmosis: The movement of water across the cell membrane.

22. Tissue: Is a group of similar cells that works together to carry out a special job.

23. Organ: Is a group of  tissue that work together to do a job.

24. Organ System: A group of organ that work together to do a certain job.

25. Organism: Is a living thing.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Vocabulary No.1

1. Biology: The scientific study of the natural process of living things.

2. Light microscope: One in wich the specimen is viewed under visible light.

3. Stereomicroscope: A binocular microscope modified to give a three-dimensional view of the specimen.
4. International system of unit: A complete metric system of the unit of measurement for scientists.

5. Meter: A device that measures the amount of something that is used.

 6. Volume: The amount of space that is contain within an object or solid shape.

7. Kilogram: A unit equal to 1000 grams, or 2.2 pounds.


8. Celsius: A measurement of temperature on a standard in wich  0 grade is the temperature at wich water freezes, and 100 grades the temperature at wich it boils.

9. Scientific Method: A systematic  approach to solving a problem by discobering knowledge.

10. Hypothesis: An idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet beeen proved.

11. Experiment: A test done in order to learn something or to discover whether something works or is true.

12. Variable: Likely to change often.

13. Control: To order, limit or rule something, or someone's actions or behavior.

14. Data: Information in raw or unorganized that refer to, or represent, conditions, ideas, or objects.

15. Theory: A formal stament of the  rules on which a subject of study is based or of ideas which are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more generally, an opinion or explanation.

16. Technology: The study and knowledge of the practical, especially industrial, use of scientific discoveries.