miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Vocabulary No. 5

    1.   Protozoans: one-celled animal-like organisms with a nucleus.

2.   Cilia: short, hairlike parts on the surface of the cell.

    3.   Sporozoans: protozoans that reproduce by forming spores.

    4.   Spores: special cells that develop into new organisms.

      5.   Algae: plantlike protists.
    6.   Multicellular: an organism having many different cells that do certain jobs for the organism.

    7.   Slime molds: funguslike protists that are consumers.

    8.   Hyphae: threadlike structures that make up the bodies of most fungi.

    9.   Sporangium fungi: fungi that produce spores in sporangia.

   10.         Sporangia: structures, found on the tips of hyphae, that make spores.

  11.         Club fungi: fungi with club-shaped parts that produce spores.

   12.         Sac fungi: fungi that produce spores in saclike structures.

13.         Budding: reproduction in which a small part of the parent grows into a new organism.

14.         Mutualism:  a living arrangement in which both organisms benefit.

15.         Lichen: a fungus and an organism with chlorophyll that live together.

Vocabulary No.4

1.   Virus: A chromosome- like part sorrounded by a protein coat. 

2.   Host: An organism that provides food for a parasite.

3.   Parasite: An organism that lives in or on another living thing and gets food from it.

4.   Interferon: A chemical subdtance that interfers with the way viruses reproduce.

5.   Vaccines: Substance made from weakened or dead viruses that protect you againstcerytain disesease.

6.   Bacteria: Very small, one- celled moneras.

7.   Colony: A group of similar cell growing next to each other that do not depened on each other.

8.   Capsule: A stick outer layer produce by bacteria. 

9.   Flagellum: A wiplike thread used for movement by bacteria.

10.         Fission: The process of one organism dividing into two organism.

11.         Asexual reproduction: The reproduction of a living thing from only one parent.

12.         Endospore: A thick- walled structure that forms inside a bacterial cell.

13.         Saprophytes: Organism that used dead materials for food.

14.         Decomposers: Living thing that get their food from breaking down dead matter into simpler chemicals. 

15.         Koch’s postulates: Steps for proving that a disease is caused by a certainmicropicorganism.

16.         Communicable diseases: Ones that can be passed from one organism to another.

17.         Antibiotics: chemical substances that kill or slow the growth of bacteria.

18.         Biotechology: The use of living things to solve practical  problems.

19.         Pasteurization: The process of heating milk to kill harmful bacteria.

20.         Blue-green bacteria: Smalled one- celled moneras that contains chlorophill and make their own food.

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Vocabulary No. 3

1. Kingdom: Is the largest group of living thing.

2. Phylum: Is the largest group within a kingdom.

3. Class: Is the largest group within a phylum.

4. Order: Is the largest group within a class.

5. Family: Is the largest group within a order.

6. Genus: Is the largest group within a family.

7. Specie: The smallest group of living thing.

8. Scientific Name: The genus and specie names together.

9. Monerans: Are one-celled organism that don't have a nucleus.

10. Protist: Are mostly single-celled organisms that have a nucleus and other cell parts.

11. Fungi: Are organism that have cell walls and absorb food from their sorroundings.

12. Plants: Are organism that are made up of many cells, have chlorophyll, and can make their own food.

13. Animals: Are organism that have many cells, can't make their own food, and can move.